
I called Hong Kong this evening at 9:20 p.m. and talked to Abby de Beer.  She gave me the good news that I was successful in my interview at Cathay Pacific and sent a confirmation e-mail as well, just in case I thought I was dreaming!  They will let me know when I start, but rumor is it will be sometime in April/May.  Five months of training in Hong Kong, and then it’s off to the big leagues.
Thank you to all of you who prayed and kept me in your thoughts.  Also, praise God for leading me to this and providing the strength to prevail.  Cathay Pacific is thought to be one of the toughest interviews in the world.  Why do pilots put themselves through it?  For this:

3 thoughts on “Success!

  1. Actor, my foot, you are the master of disguise and a darn good co-pilot; with Jesus at the controls you can’t lose. Congratulations, Toby! I hope you like rice…

    All the best,


  2. Toby: Ken and I have been praying for you along with many others. We are so very excited. Wow!
    Blessings & Much Joy as you continue to serve Him
    Ken & Beth

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