Think Different

A past Apple ad campaign read, “Think Different.” I love that ad because I think it’s important to think differently, especially in today’s culture. It is so easy in human nature to suffer from groupthink. We just go with the flow and we ebb down the river of life. We don’t question enough.

It’s odd, that in many ways, people hate to be the same and strive so hard to be unique, but end up just following the crowd in so many other areas of life. Sure, those forty facial piercings may look unique, but in the real things in life, the important things, is there uniqueness there? Is there different thinking?

We all hate bad drivers in front of us (but then we drive 40 in a 55 zone with others behind us!) Yeah, Bush lied and people died. Really? Or is that just what the media keeps repeating? Christianity is just a way to keep the masses in line, right? Reparations are owed to black people. I can have sex outside of marriage without consequence. I need to look like the girls in magazines to be beautiful. If I just go to church once in a while, I’ll be fine. We want to standout in the world, but sometimes we fall into the same traps and do the same silly things everyone else does.

So, what in this life is worth different thinking on my part? What is worth questioning? How do we know we aren’t desperately trying to be unique, but really just spinning our wheels along with everyone else? How do we rise above to see things from a higher perspective?

An example of going against the grain and thinking differently is Dr. James Manning. I came across his videos through a link from the DrudgeReport. I not familiar with all Manning’s sermons, but I am proud when I see people think differently, take a stand, and say what needs to be said. Manning is talking about how people need to find Christ and find answers in Him, not in racism or affirmative action. He stands against men like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, who preach racial divisiveness to promote their agendas. Real black men don’t blame their problems on white oppression, they turn to Christ.

I know there are areas in my life where I need to be thinking differently. How about you?

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