Moral Absolutes

This whole John Edwards affair has been interesting to me. Edwards was forced to admit that he had an affair in 2006. A year later, his wife was diagnosed with cancer, and John lied about the affair until mid 2008, when he was caught by the tabloids.

There is a lot of anger out there at him for having the affair, and a lot of anger is spurring from supporters on the left, as they stick up for his wife, Elizabeth. This is what I find interesting, because a lot of people on the left were not upset with Bill Clinton when he had an affair. That was no problem, the public should have stayed out of it, and it was a personal matter for Bill. So why isn’t the Edwards affair cast in the same light? Elizabeth should just suck it up, right? I mean, this is a private matter for John, right?

In our world of post-modernism, where there is no right and wrong, there is no absolute truth, and justice and truth are whatever each individual believes to be true, there should be no anger over an affair. There should be no one upset at Edwards or Clinton, because what may be wrong for me (affairs) may not be wrong for them! The trouble is, this line of thinking never pans out and fails at the very underpinning of its argument. There has to be a true right and wrong, or there is nothing wrong with Edwards’ behavior. Taken to the next level, Hitler, Stalin, rapists, murderers, child molesters, and the like are all fine, and their actions should have no judgements upon them, and they shouldn’t be seen as wrong because without absolute truth and right and wrong, no behavior can be judged.

The same people on the left that preach that there are no absolutes (are they absolutely sure about that?) and that no one should be judged, are now upset at their hero, for cheating on his wife. It’s in these times that the rubber meets the road. It’s popular today, in 2008, to believe that each of us can decided for ourselves what is right and wrong, but when WE are wronged, all of a sudden, we want there to be some judgement. When it’s our friend who is wronged, or our family members who are wronged, or even ourselves, we throw out all the politically correct garbage and get genuinely upset.

And that is what is happening now with Edwards and his supporters. They preach that there is no real truth and right and wrong is decided by each individual. Until the truth hits close to home — and their post-modern relativism is thrown out the window.

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