Funny Stickers

Here are a couple funny bumper stickers I came across.

I’m all for a great society, but unfortunately, I disagree with Obama’s vision on how to pay for it all. I don’t feel socialism is the answer; nor do I feel that the U.S. taxpayers will want to afford a socialist agenda. Free healthcare, college tuition, and affordable energy are fine ideas, but at what cost? Canada and Europe have forms of socialism, but they pay a high cost out of each of their paychecks. Can we afford that here? Sure. Do we want to? I don’t think we do.

The wealthy already pay all the taxes. The next time you hear a politician or journalist talk about “sticking it” to the wealthiest 1%, try this fact on for size:

The “wealthy,” like a cop and a nurse, already pay most all of the income taxes in this country, so it will take huge tax increases to pay for the future plans that Obama has. Only we, the taxpayer, can decide if that high cost is worth it. Are 70% tax rates what this country was founded on? Are huge tax rates what built the U.S. economy into the world-dominating giant that it is today? No. Capitalism and low tax rates are what made the U.S. the world leader in almost everything. However, the U.S. doesn’t come close to ranking near the top in education, yet we spend more than any other country on each child’s education, proving that simply throwing government (taxpayer) money at something doesn’t make it work. Are we about to do the same thing to the rest of our economy with Obama? We’ll see what he ends up getting away with.