Time Together

Before I left Columbus for another week-long trip, Laura and I were able to go for a spring walk out at a park near our house. The weather was just fine as could be and the trees were just starting to bud new leaves.

As I have to spend more time away from home, I really relish these chances to be with Laura and just spend simple time with her. A walk in the woods doesn’t seem like much until one must spend a lot of time away from home. As a pilot, I’ve come to really enjoy any time I can get with her.

The vacation we planned last week got all messed up, so we weren’t able to spend much time together. I’m hoping that future schedule changes may allow me to spend more time at home, but for now, these quiet walks in the park will have to do. Is there someone you need to spend more time with today? If so, make the time to do it.
