
Laura and I got lots of mulching accomplished this week. I got into one of those rhythms where I feel real productive and wanted to get something done. I think it was because I only got 2 hours of sleep the night before, coming home from work, and got giddy. Either way, it was good to get the mulching finished. Laura was a great big help because she was the spreader of the mulch to make it look nice, and I was the brute force to move it where it needed to go.

We have a lot of mulch on our property as it goes around several trees and all around the perimeter of the house. Three yards of mulch set us back $38 a yard at Kurtz Brothers. We buy it in bulk there and they have great prices and are only a few miles away. We borrow a pickup and make a few runs to get it once a year. If you live in Columbus, Ohio like we do, I highly recommend Kurtz Brothers. They have three locations, good prices, and are helpful and friendly.

I ordered one yard and then came back and got two more in one trip. Two yards of mulch in a one ton pickup takes up the entire bed! The guy used a huge front-end loader to fill the bed and then asked if I wanted a little bit more. I told him that I’d take whatever he’d give me, and boy, he dumped it in. I probably got more than two yards on that load, and that’s another reason I like buying mulch at Kurtz.

The mulch looks great and I love how mulch can transform an old, destroyed yard from winter, and turn it into a warm pleasant place to look upon. It’s just window dressing, but it sure makes the place look a lot sharper.

The following day, we bought three Flowering Pear trees to replace some dying trees in our yard. They were a great deal from a nursery going out of business just down the road. We are hoping the city will take down the dying trees for free, as they are close to the road, and save us the trouble. Once the old and dying trees are gone, these Pears will line the back of our property that butts up to another road. The Flowering Pear trees’ bulbs are huge and it is all Laura and I can do to move them. I rolled them into my wheelbarrow to move them and the bowl of the wheelbarrow bent and got disfigured a little. I’m really looking forward to moving them again into the holes I dig for them. I’m sure it will all be worth it once we get them planted.