Funny Stickers

Here are a couple funny bumper stickers I came across.

I’m all for a great society, but unfortunately, I disagree with Obama’s vision on how to pay for it all. I don’t feel socialism is the answer; nor do I feel that the U.S. taxpayers will want to afford a socialist agenda. Free healthcare, college tuition, and affordable energy are fine ideas, but at what cost? Canada and Europe have forms of socialism, but they pay a high cost out of each of their paychecks. Can we afford that here? Sure. Do we want to? I don’t think we do.

The wealthy already pay all the taxes. The next time you hear a politician or journalist talk about “sticking it” to the wealthiest 1%, try this fact on for size:

The “wealthy,” like a cop and a nurse, already pay most all of the income taxes in this country, so it will take huge tax increases to pay for the future plans that Obama has. Only we, the taxpayer, can decide if that high cost is worth it. Are 70% tax rates what this country was founded on? Are huge tax rates what built the U.S. economy into the world-dominating giant that it is today? No. Capitalism and low tax rates are what made the U.S. the world leader in almost everything. However, the U.S. doesn’t come close to ranking near the top in education, yet we spend more than any other country on each child’s education, proving that simply throwing government (taxpayer) money at something doesn’t make it work. Are we about to do the same thing to the rest of our economy with Obama? We’ll see what he ends up getting away with.

Time Together

Before I left Columbus for another week-long trip, Laura and I were able to go for a spring walk out at a park near our house. The weather was just fine as could be and the trees were just starting to bud new leaves.

As I have to spend more time away from home, I really relish these chances to be with Laura and just spend simple time with her. A walk in the woods doesn’t seem like much until one must spend a lot of time away from home. As a pilot, I’ve come to really enjoy any time I can get with her.

The vacation we planned last week got all messed up, so we weren’t able to spend much time together. I’m hoping that future schedule changes may allow me to spend more time at home, but for now, these quiet walks in the park will have to do. Is there someone you need to spend more time with today? If so, make the time to do it.

Time in Texas

It was a long road to get to Texas, as I detail here, but once I was back in my home state, it felt great to finally be there. Since I was so delayed in getting down there, due to the volcano in Alaska, I only had a few days to see everyone. I got in early Sunday morning into Dallas/Ft. Worth (12:30 a.m.), and Laura was scheduled to leave on Tuesday, while I would try to go home Thursday morning.

That Sunday night, my sister Katie and her husband Scott treated my parents and Laura and me to a great dinner at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse. With fillet steak, sauteed spinach with garlic (Hong Kong style!), crab cakes, and cheesecake dessert, it was nothing short of a heavenly experience. Since the meal was so expensive, it was needless to say that Laura and I would not be eating like this for a long time, so we savored every bite.

After dinner, my parents along with Laura and I, drove the two hours back to Tyler to spend a few days there. On Monday, we got to see my mom’s new office where she works, and plenty of amazing Azaleas. Tyler is famous for its Azaleas in the spring, and there is an entire district where yards are shown off to the public. That night for dinner, we ate at El Chico, a local favorite of my family. I don’t get to enjoy good Tex-Mex in Ohio, so I eat it any chance I can while I’m back home.

The next day, we all headed back to Dallas/Ft. Worth, because Laura needed to head home. This vacation ended up being quite the blurry whirlwind, as it was rush-rush-rush. Sweet Pea headed back to Ohio that night on her American Airlines flight, and I stayed with Scott and Katie and watched movies in their new home theater. That was awesome and now I need to figure out how to pay to have one for myself! Click on Laura’s picture above to see some photos of our time in Tyler.

The next morning, on Wednesday, I borrowed my sister’s car and headed the 45 minute drive down to Arlington, to see my grandparents. I took them to breakfast at their usual breakfast place, and then we headed over to Ft. Worth, to see where my grandpa used to work at his old business he used to own. Air-Rite air conditioning was started by my grandpa in 1955 and serviced many homes in the Ft. Worth area, just as A/C was getting started. He has since sold the business and is long retired (he’ll be 91 in May) but the business is still there, pleasing customers and keeping them cool in the hot Texas summers. We drove the old route to the address, the same route he used to take years ago. So much has changed, he said, but there are still many things that are the same.

We passed the college that he graduated from, and drove past the now vacant lot that used to hold the house he grew up in. We drove past Paris Coffee shop, a place as famous and with as much heritage as Ft. Worth itself. Even people like G.W. Bush have dined there, and its food is a good as you can get in the city. Papaw ate there off and on for years as his Air-Rite business was just a block down the road.

We got to see where my great grandparents lived and a lake that is named after my great grandfather, Pappy Elkins, my grandmothers father. Pappy Elkins lake is in a park that is near where he used to live. He was there often, and when he passed away, the city of Dalworthington Gardens named the lake after him.

We capped off our afternoon with the mandatory visit to my favorite Tex-Mex place, Cafe Pulido’s. Nothing beats it! Every time I’m in Texas, I have to get at least a lunch there at Pulido’s. After that, I headed back to my sister’s house, near DFW airport, so I could catch a ride back to Ohio the next morning. You can click on my grandparent’s picture to see more photos of them showing me around.

I was lucky to catch the 8:45 flight from DFW to Charlotte, as an earlier flight had cancelled and all the seats were now oversold. I was traveling standby (of course — par for the course on this so-called vacation) and it looked doubtful that I would get a seat. As chance would have it, many people who were on the cancelled flight didn’t show up and God was good enough to give me one of the last seats on the flight! Once arriving in Charlotte, the next flight to Columbus was 3 hours away because I had missed the last flight by 15 minutes. Bummer — but there is free wifi there, and rocking chairs line the main terminal. If you’ve ever been to Charlotte, that long row of rocking chairs is a signature part of that airport.

As the time approached for my flight, the gate agent let me know that this flight was also oversold. However, the chances of getting a seat on this flight were worse that in Dallas because there were lots of employees ahead of me. Passengers don’t always show up, but employees already waiting at the gate are definitely not going to miss the flight!

The agent was kind enough to let me know that there was a flight to Dayton that was boarding right then, and it had plenty of seats available for me. My only other option was to wait for the flight that would get into Columbus at 11:30 p.m. and I didn’t want to wait that long. Dayton was only an hour’s drive from Columbus and I could be home by five o’clock, so I made a mad dash for that gate and got their just in time.

I ran up to the flight and they closed the door. I tried to get ahold of Laura, to see if she could drive over to Dayton after work and pick me up. If she couldn’t, I was just going to rent a car and drive home. After the mess that this vacation had become, I didn’t care anymore about rental cars and flights, I just wanted to do whatever I could to get home.

Luckily, when I arrived in Dayton, Laura had left a message on my phone saying she was just a half hour away. We stopped in at Dayton’s Texas Roadhouse for some steak and as a way to cap off a crazy vacation that almost wasn’t.

It was good to see my family, even if the time was too short, but next time, I want to make sure I have plenty of time to visit the old stomping grounds. Have you had a crazy vacation experience? Share your experience with me.

“O,” The vacation that wasn’t.

Laura and I had planned a vacation to get away for a while and for me to see my family in Texas, from June 24th to the 31st. The tale I can weave of how that vacation went (or is going, as I type this aboard an Alaska Airlines 737 first class cabin at 37,000 feet) is, quite possibly, the worst vacation I’ve ever had. First class? Sipping Cabernet wine? Great food and legroom? “How is that bad,” you may ask? This three hour leg from Seattle to Dallas/Ft. Worth, has capped off six terrible days for me, in my attempt to rejoin Laura on our vacation, as it was in progress. Let me explain.

We all lay great plans, and as it often happens, those well laid plans get blown up. We weren’t fooling around on this trip, so we purchased tickets on American Airlines, round trip from Columbus to DFW, so we wouldn’t have to mess with traveling affordably on standby. I was to finish up a trip from Hong Kong, pass through Anchorage, and end up in JFK on the afternoon of the 23rd, with plenty of time to get home in time for our afternoon departure to my homeland. We were thinking ahead, and purchased our outbound leg in the afternoon, so I would be sure to not miss this trip.

My Cathay work trip was going very smoothly, and all my flights were on my body clock’s daytime, so even as we flew through the night, I felt great, as it was my body’s time to be awake. I had a good landing into Anchorage (ANC) and on the arrival, we could see Mt. Redoubt smoking away. It had been under alert for eruption for over a month, and all three of us asked aloud when we thought it might finally blow its top. Dumb volcano – all it does is huff and puff, but doesn’t give us any action.

I spent a day in ANC and then got up early the next morning, looking forward to getting home that afternoon, in anticipation of the vacation. I had a faxed note slipped under my door, and as I read it, my blood ran cold as the fear of delays ran through my mind. Mt. Redoubt had blown, and started erupting, spewing a grey ash cloud 65,000 feet into the air. As a result, the aircraft we were to fly to JFK in a few hours had diverted to Kansai, Japan, and would not be coming to ANC. Dumb volcano!

Volcanic ash is really tiny particles of hardened molten rock. Rubbing it with your bare hands will cut you like glass will, as its crystalline structure has very sharp edges. Having the equivalent of small rocks floating in the air spells disaster for modern jet engines. A Korean 747 had severe damage in all four of it’s engines when it inadvertently flew through an ash cloud and a British Airways 747 lost all four of its engines as it flew through an ash cloud over Indonesia. The BA crew got them started again, but only after falling from around 35,000 feet and the engines crept back to life and clung to a little bit of thrust well below 10,000 feet. So needless to say that airlines steer well clear of volcanic eruptions.

Most all the flights in and out of ANC that day were cancelled, and Cathay sent all their freighters through Vancouver, instead of Anchorage (where I was), leaving 30 odd crew members stranded that day. I thought, oh well, I’ll be out of here tomorrow and I’ll just meet Laura in Texas. So, Laura flew by herself down to Texas, and I hoped to get a flight on Cathay via DFW, or at worst, finish my trip to JFK and then come down the next day.

I have to interrupt myself at this point. As I’m typing this, I just received my chicken marsala dinner and am instantly impressed with Alaska Airlines. On the tray, along with the salt and pepper, silverware, and dressing, was a small card. The card was a picture of a sunset with “Alaska Airlines” printed on it. And then there was this: “I will praise God’s name in song and glorify His name with thanksgiving. Psalm 69:30” It was like a readable prayer for anyone who wasn’t sure of what to say prior to a meal, but wanted to say something. More important than that, was what that says of Alaska Airlines. In this world of pop culture and post modernism where truth no longer exists, it is refreshing to see a mainstream company taking a religious, moral stand. No doubt; no doubt at all, that the airline has taken heat for this card, as we Americans push God farther and farther from our national conscience. However, I’m proud that Alaska Airlines put that card there and it reminded me that I am not alone in this world with my faith.

Well, that dumb volcano Redoubt continued to spew its awful bilge into the air, day after day. Each day, the Red Alert warnings for aviation remained, and Cathay planes (my ride home) continued to divert away from Anchorage.

Laura has been in Texas for several days, staying in the metroplex with my sister and her husband, and I remain on a day to day basis in the hotel, thousands of miles away. Our flight schedules have G days and O days. G days are “guaranteed” days off, and as we’ll see in a minute, they really don’t guarantee anything. O days are days that if the company gets ahold of me, I have to work. They put O days on the end of trips, so that they can always and easily get ahold of me for more flying. I had three O days after my scheduled trip was to be finished, and now I was languishing in an Anchorage hotel, held captive by these O days. The company didn’t want to send me, or any of us home, in case the volcano finished toying with us and flights could resume. Seismologists say that this eruption cycle could last years, however.

When my last O day was over and I began breaking into G days, I was about to read the riot act to someone in crew control, when I found out from another pilot that G days can be turned into O days at the will of the company when “roster disruption” occurs. That’s vague enough that just about any scenario will fit to keep us at work! I was originally supposed to be home by Monday night and by Thursday afternoon, with Laura having already begun our vacation on her own, some captain in ANC finally yelled loud enough to convince the company to allow us all to leave, get home on our own, and the company would reimburse us for our flights.

I still remember getting that fax message under my door: You are free to find your own way home as the crew in the Anchorage hotel have been on duty long enough. I thought: “Yeah, I’ll be in Texas tonight!” That elation quickly grew to exasperation, as more and more internet searches showed more and more flights either oversold or cancelled. In fact, I really don’t know what I was thinking – why would I expect to catch a flight out of ANC when Mt. Redoubt was still blowing its top? Dumb volcano. No wonder the company said we could find our own way home, instead of them finding it for us.

If you don’t use, you ought to at least give it a chance, as it searches great deals all over the internet for flights, cars, vacations and the like. Flights were selling out so fast out of ANC, that as I would click to check a price for a certain flight, the link would tell me that the deal had expired and when I would go back to Kayak’s search page, the prices had jumped up by $200 dollars! Wow, I needed a ticket and needed one fast. Katie or Laura suggested that I try flying out of a different city, to get away from the ash clouds and the mess that ANC had become. Great idea, until I found out that Juneau was a two day drive and Vancouver was a three day drive away! Holy cow, without major interstate highways and with rough terrain, driving somewhere was almost out of the picture. Almost.

Enter Fairbanks (FAI). It was only a six hour drive away and it’s flights hadn’t cancelled. The rental car fee to go one way that far North into the Alaskan interior was very steep, but I wanted to get home. So, I bought a ticket from Fairbanks – Seattle – Dallas/Ft. Worth and rented a car to get to Fairbanks. If I was going to get that flight, that left at 1:30 AM out of FAI, I had to leave ANC in a hurry. I showered, shaved, packed and left for the Avis rental car. This was Thursday afternoon, and I had a Friday morning departure to Seattle to catch.

The drive to Fairbanks was amazing. I had an auspicious start, however, as the first rental car I picked up had a maintenance issue, but the second car seemed to work just fine. I passed through a few small towns, but other than that, there weren’t many places to refuel or use the bathroom. As a matter of fact, I didn’t throw away my 32oz cup from McDonald’s, incase I needed a makeshift bathroom later on down the road. Alaskan highway 3 basically took me all the way from Anchorage to Fairbanks. It’s a nicely paved two lane road and it’s the only road between these two cities. I passed a store called Mike*Mart, with the sign font made to match Wal*Mart’s sign. I passed a huge igloo hotel that had long been boarded up and closed. And most breathtakingly, I passed by Denali national park. If you ever need a summer vacation spot but hate the summer heat, Denali is for you with its beautiful mountains and wildlife. There was a whole town I drove through that was completely vacant because it is only open from May to September. It has shops and coffee places, and the streets are lined with paver sidewalks and nice street lamps. It was eerie to pass through this seasonal town that looked like a ghost town, but fully modern. Denali is also home to Mt. McKinnley, the highest point in North America, at over 20,000 feet.

The road was smooth and the speed limit was 65. I, ahem, did a wee bit over that, as I would only see a car every few minutes or so. It was the first time I had ever been in a place where both AM and FM dials never found a station. The search function of the radio just sent the dial going round and round and round, never stopping, never hearing anything. I did finally find a few country stations that played songs with lyrics like, “I wanted to start a fire with some old flames, but all those gals now had different last names,” or, “I’m gonna marry for money.” Great stuff.

After having woken up on Thursday morning about seven AM, I got into Fairbanks about one AM, my body’s time. I was tired, but my flight left in a few hours, and soon I’d be joining Sweet Pea in Texas. My phone showed I had a voice message, and it was from Alaska Airlines. Uh oh. “We are calling to inform you that your itinerary has changed and you’ll now be departing Sunday at one AM, not Friday at one AM, due to the ash cloud from Mt. Redoubt blowing up toward Fairbanks.” BOLLOCKS! Our plan to avoid the ash was crumbling fast. I was too cheap to buy a hotel room, because I had faith that I’d get an earlier flight and this would all become a distant memory. It was 15 degrees F, so it was too cold to sleep in the rental car, so I got three hours sleep in the terminal building, on a comfy wood bench. I would have slept better, but the announcement to “only smoke in designated smoking areas and to keep a close watch on my baggage, as all bags are subject to search,” seemed to wake me regularly. I got up about six AM, as the terminal started to fill with people, hopeful to catch flights to Anchorage (all of which cancelled due to ash, heh heh).

My next chance out of the state of Alaska was the next 1:30 AM departure to Seattle, this time on Saturday morning. I was confirmed on a Sunday morning flight back to ANC, but I wanted this flight to Seattle, as it would get me into DFW by 1:30 PM, the same day, just 12 hours later. So, I would try standby on the Saturday flight and keep the Sunday flight in reserve. I kept my rental for 24 hours, so that gave me until four PM to check out Fairbanks. By about noon, I had seen pretty much all there was to see: Home Depot (every isle), Lowes (every isle as well), read in a Barnes and Noble, driven around town, and had a terrible meal at Denny’s. (By the way, for all you folks scoring at home, the Fairbanks Denny’s is the most northern Denny’s in the world!) At four, I turned in my rental, leaving me stuck at the airport, come hell or high water.

That night and into the wee hours of the morning, the tension grew in regards to whether or not the flight would leave, and, being standby, would I get a seat. To see if I would have a chance at a seat, the gate agent asked me if I was a gold or platinum member. I told her that I wasn’t even a vinyl or plastic member! As departure time loomed, the terminal became packed with people. Who were all these nuts up at one in the morning and why didn’t any of them decide to miss their flight? I knew I was in trouble when the gate agent started asking for volunteers to give up their seats due to an oversold situation. I knew that if they were wanting volunteers to give up their seats due to lack of seats, my standby status was down the tubes. I headed back down to the ticket counter to see what other options were available for me. They had a six AM departure to Anchorage, which by now, was just a few hours away, but I was doubtful it would even go. Even if I did make that flight, they had me going to Seattle, and arriving there at one PM, to then go to DFW the NEXT morning! By this point, I had only received three hours of sleep in two days, and the prospect of having to buy a hotel room in Seattle and delay my arrival by even more time put me near my limit of “kindness while upset.”

There was an afternoon flight to DFW, just a few hours after I was scheduled to arrive in Seattle, but the coach section was full, so they couldn’t put me on it. I’d have to wait another day to get to see my family. Bummer. I guess my fatigue and plight wore down the agent, because she talked to her supervisor, and they decided to book me in first class from Seattle to DFW, which did have an open seat. That way, I could get home sooner, not have to buy a hotel, and enjoy the delights that first class offers. Yea Jesus — that’s what happened. I was able to get the flight back to Anchorage, one of the first to operate back to ANC, and then moved on to Seattle and DFW. I had little faith that the flight to ANC would go, but the ash cloud was visible enough to avoid, and Alaska Airlines was willing to run flights in and out of ANC to get their unhappy customers on their way.

So after all of that, six days late and with three hours of sleep in three days, the first class from Seattle to DFW was nice. It wasn’t a silver lining, but maybe a rubber one, or maybe even a vinyl one. Laura leaves Texas on Tuesday, and I look forward to seeing her at midnight, Sunday morning. That will give us almost three days to see each other. The plan is for her to go back to Ohio on Tuesday, so she can go to work, and I’ll stay in Texas an extra day to give me a chance to catch up with my family. However, as I have learned from all this: the plans I make probably don’t count for too much.

“O” days messed me up and a volcano messed me over. “O” the vacation that almost wasn’t.

Travels to Texas

While I’m stuck in Anchorage due to the explosion of Mt. Redoubt, Laura is on her way to Texas, right now!

We are going to spend a week in Texas, but she is beating me there, as I’m stuck here for a few more days. I was going to be on this flight with her, but the ash cloud from the volcanoe is keeping Cathay Cargo flights from coming into Anchorage, and are being rerouted through Vancouver instead. Bummer. I’ll get to Texas, but not soon enough.

Hudson Crash Animation

A friend of mine sent me this video over the weekend. It’s a good two minute animation of the crash in the Hudson River; flight 1549. It’s nice because it incorporates animation with the radio and air traffic control. You can hear the departure controller in LaGuardia frantically calling controllers at other airports and stations to try and clear a way for the powerless airplane to get a safe place to land.

Founders wanted Presidents to fail

This post goes hand in hand with my last post about James Carville. Carville has proven to be political in his desire to see Bush fail. Rush, on the other hand, has proven to be historical in his desire to have B. Hussein Obama’s policies fail. Here is the full transcript, but below is an excerpt of an excellent monologue as Rush explains why it is acceptable to desire socialist ideas to fail. Since no one wants to talk to Rush but simply take his comments out of context, here’s Rush:

The Federalist Papers and the constitutional convention debates are rife with arguments about the separation of powers.  Now, stick with me on this, because this is a fundamental point to try to explain, especially to those of you who are new to the program, what it is that guides me.  The whole theory of the separation of powers, meaning legislative branch, judicial branch, executive branch, was ingeniously based on human nature.  Our Founding Fathers had studied history, and they knew that absolute power corrupts absolutely.  So we divide power.  We divide power between the states and the federal government.  We divide power within the federal government.  And we further divide power among three separate branches of government.  We give each branch a different set of powers and incentives to protect their own prerogatives so they can keep an eye on each other.  These are called checks and balances.  And the liberals love talking about checks and balances very much.

The underlying assumption of this whole system is that the country functions better if everyone is of a skeptical bent of mind.  That’s what keeps the next guy honest.  The whole reason that we have divided government instead of a king is that the issue is not about one government official succeeding.  This country was not founded on the principle that the president is a king and above all the king must succeed.  In fact, the system is designed to ensure that the president fails when he is wrong.  That’s the whole purpose of checks and balances.  The whole purpose of dividing power, is to ensure the president fails when he’s wrong.  The Framers wanted the country to succeed, just as I do.  If they wanted the president to succeed, they would not have saddled him with Congress, they wouldn’t have saddled him with the courts, they wouldn’t have saddled him with the free press, and they wouldn’t have made him face reelection every four years.  They would have made him a king who no one could oppose.  

If our nation was all about a single individual succeeding simply because that individual must succeed regardless, we wouldn’t have the form of government that we do.  Now, conflating the president and the country — and by that I mean, assuming that the president is always the country, assuming that the president always has the country’s best interests at heart, such as the founders did, turns a functioning democracy into a robotic cult.  I fear that that’s what we have right now.  We have a cult of fear and celebrity, robotic cult, that is epitomized in Warren Buffett, it’s epitomized by Jack Welch, it’s epitomized by Barton Biggs and Jim Cramer and anybody else who knows what they see is devastatingly wrong, is horribly wrong, but because there is a fear to oppose because the assumption is that Obama is the country, that Obama equals the best interests of the country simply because he’s Obama, that’s what gives you a cult.  The worst part of it is that many of these people who are making hay over this Limbaugh-wants-Obama-to-fail garbage know full well, ladies and gentlemen, that what I just told you is the case.  

This is not an honest debate going on here, as we have demonstrated in the first hour of the program with the Warren Buffett sound bites and the Barton Biggs sound bites and the Jim Cramer sound bites.  It’s not an honest debate.  What’s happening here is the most cynical kind of down and dirty politics by people who not only wanted George W. Bush to fail, but worked night and day to ensure that he failed.  I say to you again, if the Founders wanted a situation where the government was about one official succeeding, then George Washington would have accepted the role he was he offered as king.  But we have separation of powers.  We have division of powers.  All of this is designed to ensure that a president fails when he is wrong.  The Framers wanted the country to succeed.  Let me add to this, Byron York today writing at the “‘Why The Founding Fathers Would Want Obama’s Plans to Fail’ — James Madison was not specifically contemplating Barack Obama, or Nancy Pelosi, when he wrote Federalist No. 63. But reading the document — one of the seminal arguments in favor of adopting the US Constitution — it’s clear Madison knew their type. And he knew they would come along again and again in American history, if Americans were lucky enough to have a long history.  Obama and Pelosi, along with their most ardent supporters, are the types to see a crisis, like our current economic mess, as a ‘great opportunity,’ as the president put it last Saturday. They are the types, after a long period out of power, to attempt to use that ‘great opportunity’ to push through far-reaching changes in national policy that had only a tangential connection, if at all, to the crisis at hand. And they are the types the Founding Fathers wanted to stop.

“In the Federalist Papers, written 221 years ago, Madison addressed the need for a Senate to accompany the more populist House of Representatives. An upper body, he wrote, ‘may be sometimes necessary as a defense to the people against their own temporary errors and delusions.’  For the times when a political leader would attempt to capitalize on those errors and delusions, the Founders prescribed the Senate, with its members elected to terms three times the length of those in the House, originally chosen not by the people but by the state legislatures. From Federalist 63: ‘There are particular moments in public affairs when the people, stimulated by some irregular passion, or some illicit advantage, or misled by the artful misrepresentations of interested men, may call for measures which they themselves will afterwards be the most ready to lament and condemn. In these critical moments, how salutary will be the interference of some temperate and respectable body of citizens, in order to check the misguided career, and to suspend the blow meditated by the people against themselves, until reason, justice, and truth can regain their authority over the public mind?'”

Let me translate this for you.  There are going to be times demagogues are going to come along, there are going to be times that people who are power hungry, who are going to take advantage of a crisis, to say they’ve got all the solutions, and they’re going to ram all these things through.  The solutions have nothing to do with the crisis.  They’re just selfish desires of the demagogue.  The people, because of the crisis, are going to go along with it, even though in rational moments they would reject it all.  We need an element to stop this.  We need an element to protect the people from the kind of leaders who would abuse them, mislead them, and, ergo, one of those devices was the United States Senate.  “Of course the economy is in crisis. But if Obama had his way, everything would be treated as if it were a crisis. Health care is a crisis. The environment is a crisis. Education is a crisis. In truth, those other areas are not crises, and the Senate’s job is to delay action on them until Obama’s power to stir popular passions fades.”

So you see, ladies and gentlemen, all I want and all we want is success for every American. If there’s any worship on this program, it is not of a single man, it is of our Constitution and our other founding documents, and the Founding Fathers who gave them to us. Certainly not of a mortal human being today. I just wanted to go through this to explain it because I know for a fact the tune-in factor — our cume, which is the total audience (they actually showed it to me yesterday) — is literally geometric in its increase. As such, the people listening here who haven’t heard before who come to the program with all of these erroneous misconceptions that they’ve been filled with by the critics of this program for all these 20 years.