Spring has sprung

I know a lot of people enjoy Spring time. The weather is warm, the sky is clear, and the thought of being outside after a long winter is very inviting.

I, myself, don’t mind spring, but my favorite times of the year are Autumn and Winter. I enjoy the cool air, the color, sweaters and pumpkin patches, hayrides and the thought of the holidays just around the corner. Being from Texas, I also love the snow. But my pessimistic side rears its ugly head in the spring.

With the snow and rain gone, the sun illuminates all the things that are wrong with my house an yard, and beckons me to finish the projects that have been started long ago. It’s my nature to take on more than I am willing to finish (except food — I have no problem finishing there!). So today, as the sun came up, I took a gander at the back yard and saw nothing but troubles and projects.

Sections of leaves haven’t been moved from the fall,
No grass is growing in large section of lawn,
Landscape stones need to be placed around the trees,
Weed, fertilize, and mulch everything.

And then I see the projects that I have to do to be able to do other projects:

Fill in two basement windows with cement block so I can:
Backfill dirt around our foundation,
Gravel the muddy driveway with more gravel,
Plant bushes around the house.

Finally, there are the projects that need to be finished inside the house!

Finish the half bath,
Expose the brick behind the plaster on one wall,
Rerun some water pipe with larger diameter pipe,
Rerun some electrical wiring,
Add a light and fan to our “Blue room”
Finish the master bath,
Somehow get water out of the corners of our basement,
Finish the basement,
Tear this house down and start over?

I look around this old house and all I see are projects, as far as my eye can see. What is my response? Get started and get moving? No, sit down and blog!

I want them done before I go overseas, but I know (especially about the plumbing I have to do) that that is simply a pipe dream.

I think my life is tends to be very similar to my house. My spirit and soul are a work in progress. But I am not perfect, and never will be. My sin and my troubles will always be there. Winter is nice because all my faults and sins and mess-ups, and work that still needs to be done on me, can be hidden by the beauty of the snow, or forgotten about during the good times of the holidays.

But isn’t it always like God, to come in during spring, and once again illuminate the sin in my life? Those few extra pounds I need to lose, pure thoughts, humble attitude, a proper witness to others, truly loving my wife, living in this world but for a heavenly one. He is always there, ever the potter. Trouble is, I’m not always the clay. I get so stagnant in my Walk with Him, that I harden — my heart and then my life. Hardened clay cannot be formed. Said another way, a prideful heart scoffs at change from the maker.

As I work on one thing in my house, something else goes wrong or breaks. Constantly. This is a perfect example of God’s grace on me. He puts one fire out in my life and I go and jump into another fire! Oh, what a patient God is He!

As I work on my house projects this Spring, I’ll remember that someone is also working on me.

For more, visit TobyLaura.com!

More Gmail options

Still not convinced that Gmail is the way to go? Some of the reasons I love a free Gmail account are the wonderful options and flexibility it provides. I’ve already talked about how to get your own custom e-mail address and more, but I’m always learning new great things about Gmail.

Two quick things that I’m excited about are email import and extra email addresses. These two functions are also available at places like Yahoo! and Hotmail, but usually not for free.

We as people get comfortable and the thought of change is usually never fun. Changing e-mail address sounds like a chore, so I can certainly understand the resistance to change. However, with Gmail, its easy! If you have thousands of email messages that you don’t want to lose access to, import them into your Google email and don’t miss or skip a beat. Google does it all for free, behind the scenes.

Also, people get a lot of spam (when they don’t have Gmail) often times because they must use an email address to sign up for something online. Once that happens, their address gets sold to a spam list. Yikes! Well, with Gmail, you can create as many “throw away” email address as you want, by adding a plus sign ( + ) and another word to your address. For example, lets say I want to sign up for a free software download and the website wants me to register my email address. If my Gmail address is [email protected], I could give the website my email address as: [email protected]. Or, if I had to give Target my address, I could give them [email protected] Google sees this address and still sends it to me, because Google ignores the ( + ) sign and anything that follows it. They become a tag for me to see later in my inbox. That way, if I start getting spam in my inbox, and it is sent to the address: [email protected], I can create a filter within Gmail to filter out all email sent to [email protected] and have it sent immediately to the trash. Cool, huh?

If you get online bank statements or notes from your credit card, give them the address: [email protected] Then, you can create a filter to catch anything with +banking to be sent to a folder you have created called Finances, or whatever you want. That way, you never miss an important message from your bank, and they are all stored and organized into one, or as many convenient folders as you wish.

To find out more, read the official Gmail blog.

For more, visit TobyLaura.com!

Ignorance: Our most expensive commodity

Our Most Expensive Commodity

From the EIB Network, Rush Limbaugh:

“I keep telling people: The most expensive commodity we have in this country is ignorance, not gasoline, not rice, not wheat, not corn. The most expensive commodity we have is the ignorance of way too many Americans.  It is ignorance that allows liberalism to prosper.  Get this: “Three out of 10 US public school students do not graduate from high school, and major city school districts only graduate one out of two students, according to a study released Tuesday.  In a report on graduation rates around the country, the EPE Research Center and the America’s Promise Alliance also showed that the high school graduation rate — finishing 12 grades of school…” They have to even throw that in there because half the country reading the story doesn’t know what it takes to graduate!  Can you believe this?

“The high school graduation rate — finishing 12 grades of school…” They have to add that?  Really?  I thought you only had to get to tenth grade and you graduated!  “The high school graduation rate — finishing 12 grades of school — in big cities falls to as low as just 34.6 percent in Baltimore, Maryland, and barely over 40 percent for the troubled Ohio cities of Columbus and Cleveland.  And it said that black and Native American students have effectively a one-in-two chance of getting a high school diploma.”  Now, stick with me on this, because while this is tragic and while it is horrible and while it is disconcerting, this is a French News Agency story, and it doesn’t even bother to analyze why this is.  It doesn’t even bother.  Let me give you the dirty little secret here.  America’s Promise Alliance was a group founded by Colin Powell, and they looked at high school graduation rates at America’s 50 largest cities.  In 17 of our 50 largest cities, not even half the kids attending high school finish.  That doesn’t even touch on what the hell they’re being taught while they’re there.  

But I will guaran-damn-tee you it’s not Economics 101 in a way that they could understand it. I will guarantee you that most of what they’re being taught is a multicultural hybrid of hate America; America sucks. America’s out to screw you. You don’t have a prayer in America. Ronald Reagan sucks. George Bush sucks. Bill Clinton was fabulous. The Founding Fathers were racists, and they were atheists, and this country originally belongs to the Indians from whom it was stolen by evil white Europeans. This is what these people come out of school knowing, thinking.  “In large metropolitan areas, you may as well draw a target around the inner cities if you want to isolate this problem. In Baltimore suburbs, over 80% of the kids graduate.  Thirty-four percent who live in Baltimore’s inner city graduate.”  Suburbs okay, not great, 80%. We shouldn’t even be happy with that.  There’s no excuse for anything less than a hundred percent! It’s basic.  We all talk about education. “We gotta educate our children. We need more money to educate our children.” then how can we be happy with anything less than a hundred percent?

Anyway, by contrast, we’re ecstatic about 80% in the suburbs of Baltimore, because the inner city is 34%.  In Detroit, about a quarter, 25% of the kids graduate. Twenty-five percent!  Indianapolis public school system, 30% graduation rate, Cleveland, 35%, inner city.  In response to the report, Secretary Powell said, “When more than one million students a year drop out of high school, it’s more than a problem. It’s a catastrophe.”  It’s worse than that, Secretary Powell.  Let’s go back to Obama’s big race speech for a second, shall we?  Obama like every other Democrat, talks about schools failing minority kids, but he never addresses how they got that way.  There’s no question that inner city schools are failing minority kids.  Why do you think the biggest supporters of school vouchers are the parents of kids in inner city schools that will take the first chance they can to get them out of there and get them into a decent school?  These are primarily black and Hispanic kids in Democrat Party-run cities, and they are left to fail year after year, decade after decade!  Liberalism is giving us this problem, and it has for a long time — and look at the billions that we are spending on education to boot.  You now throw that into the mix.

You talk about being mad about something? You talk about being mad at the high cost of something and getting nothing for it?  These kids are caught in a stranglehold, folks, of liberal politics.  Liberal politics is designed to keep unions strong, including the teachers, and minority kids underachieving.  I mean, to the extent that there’s institutional racism in America, it is in these blue states, run by liberal Democrats for years. Their own kids are not even being disserviced. It’s just criminal, the way they’re not being taught and what they are being taught.  So I was asked, “How do we get this way where people don’t understand we gotta go get our own oil to become independent?” They don’t have the education; they don’t have the information.  They’ve been taught that America is bad, that America is rotten, that America steals from the rest of the world. America deserves to suffer. America deserves to be hated by the rest of the world.  That’s what they’re taught.  So when Big Oil boys get calls up to Capital Hill, and get called on the carpet for these prices, “Yeah! Yeah! You stick it to them. You stick it to them, those big, fat white guys taking all the profits, just getting rich while I’m sitting here poor. That’s right, you stick it to them!” The sad thing is that, actually, this is not a catastrophe, Secretary Powell. This is just liberal business as usual.

In all of this stuff, the education problems in the inner cities of this country, the problem’s not the American people.  I’m still bouncing off Senator McCain’s speech to the midshipmen at Annapolis.  The American people are spoiled and they’re a little too cynical and they take their freedom for granted, blah, blah, blah.  Overall the problem is not the American people.  The problem is the government and how government manipulates people, how the government literally abuses people, and how the government uses them.  The problem, folks, is liberalism. Liberalism that controls most of the government and how it seeks to transform our society for the worst.  We can’t run around and say the American people are great one day, that left to their own devices they’ll succeed, but on the other hand condemn them or most of them or a lot of them.  This is an argument against liberalism and Big Government.  

Here’s what liberals do.  Liberals say that people are too lazy, too stupid, and that they need to be managed.  Liberals have contempt for the average American. Liberals do not believe the average American can overcome obstacles in life. Our position is just the opposite.  We have the greatest faith in the world and in the American people.  We want a great nation.  We as conservatives do.  We want people to be the greatest they can be.  We don’t want to hold anybody down and we don’t want to give anybody any excuses.  And we don’t want to make them victims of anything.  We don’t want to treat them like children.  There are people out there like that, but not overall, but the liberals are out there trying to create as many of those people as they can.

For more, visit TobyLaura.com!

Big Gold?

It’s economics 101 and the general public doesn’t seem to know it. The price of things like gold or oil is set by the market, not by businesses. So why is it that Congress pulls the Oil Company CEO’s in to testify and resolve to lower the price of gas? How about calling in Jewelers to lower the price of gold? Here is Rush Limbaugh’s excellent viewpoint on it:

Big Gold

From the EIB Network, Rush Limbaugh:

I listen to people trash Big Oil. The very guys that are putting gasoline in your car are being trashed, and you are being conditioned to hate their guts while the guys on the Senate committee wouldn’t know the first thing about putting gas in your car, have not done one thing to get gas in your car, and you think they are your savior. The price of oil is going way up.  You know what?  A lot of other things are going up.  How about the price of gold?  The price of gold’s gone through the roof.  I want to know what the hell’s going on with that.  Where is a congressional hearing to bring in Big Gold?  Have you looked at the price of jewelry?  You gonna go out there and get engaged, get married — I hope not, but if you are — are you going to go out there and buy diamonds?  Have you seen the price escalations?  The Senate should bring Big Jewelry in. Is $350 an ounce is about right? I just think they just ought to set the gold price at 350 bucks an ounce — instead of close to a thousand, and make this “fair.”  This kind of stuff is really frustrating to me.

No, I’m serious about this price of gold stuff.  You bring the Big Oil guys up. Those are the guys that put gasoline in your car.  If it weren’t for them, you wouldn’t have gasoline — and yet they’re the guys that get grilled.  Have you seen the price of gold?  Now, see, this is a good illustration.  I’m trying to make a point here, but I think that the point’s lost, because I’m not being sympathetic or empathetic: that would be a better word.  It would be so easy for me to sit here and say, “Oh, gosh the price of gas! Man, it’s so hard for all of us. I don’t know what we’re going to do.  I really, really know how tough it is for you.”  That wouldn’t change your situation any at all, but you’d think somebody cares.  This is what the liberals pull off.  The liberals make people think they care about their problems.  They think they have a kindred spirit working on solving the problem.

Of course they don’t.  Liberals don’t fix anything.  All they do is break things! All they do is ruin things.  They don’t fix diddly-squat.  But people think they do because they care, and if I were to sit here and go through this little bit, “Hey, why didn’t Congress bring in Big Gold?  Have you seen the price of gold lately?  Why didn’t Congress demand that Big Gold lower the gold price, why didn’t Congress bring in Big Jewelry?  Have you seen the price of diamonds lately? It’s skyrocketing; everything is! Pull out all the stops! Find out who’s responsible! See who’s cheating the little guy when it comes to gold and jewelry.  You know how much people have suffered who want to go out and get married or get engaged to have a decent anniversary present, maybe get that solid gold toilet they’ve always dreamed about?

“Now they can’t do it because of the price of gold and the price of jewelry.  And where are Pelosi and where’s Reid and where is Ed Markey, and where is Obama, telling me again that the price of gold will come down to make it profitable and yet affordable to me?”  Now, I could make that case. I don’t know how many people would get what I’m saying.  I mean, “you people,” don’t misunderstand. You would.  I’m talking about people outside this audience. You all have above average IQs, above average education. We’ve done all the surveys. We know who you are, and you know who you are.  When I say “you,” I’m talking about people that vote liberals, people that vote Democrats.  But, boy, I could say, “Well, I feel sorry for you. It’s just so bad out there. I wish something could be done,” and of course there’s nothing I can do or anybody else can do, but if you think that somebody cares, then I guess you’re less, what? Concerned, or at least more hopeful?  Yes! People are more hopeful that something might get fixed if somebody cares . . .

And why do so many think that a sympathetic Congress can actually mandate lower oil prices? Because of our Ignorance. Read about it in the next blog entry.

For more, visit TobyLaura.com!

Think Different

A past Apple ad campaign read, “Think Different.” I love that ad because I think it’s important to think differently, especially in today’s culture. It is so easy in human nature to suffer from groupthink. We just go with the flow and we ebb down the river of life. We don’t question enough.

It’s odd, that in many ways, people hate to be the same and strive so hard to be unique, but end up just following the crowd in so many other areas of life. Sure, those forty facial piercings may look unique, but in the real things in life, the important things, is there uniqueness there? Is there different thinking?

We all hate bad drivers in front of us (but then we drive 40 in a 55 zone with others behind us!) Yeah, Bush lied and people died. Really? Or is that just what the media keeps repeating? Christianity is just a way to keep the masses in line, right? Reparations are owed to black people. I can have sex outside of marriage without consequence. I need to look like the girls in magazines to be beautiful. If I just go to church once in a while, I’ll be fine. We want to standout in the world, but sometimes we fall into the same traps and do the same silly things everyone else does.

So, what in this life is worth different thinking on my part? What is worth questioning? How do we know we aren’t desperately trying to be unique, but really just spinning our wheels along with everyone else? How do we rise above to see things from a higher perspective?

An example of going against the grain and thinking differently is Dr. James Manning. I came across his videos through a link from the DrudgeReport. I not familiar with all Manning’s sermons, but I am proud when I see people think differently, take a stand, and say what needs to be said. Manning is talking about how people need to find Christ and find answers in Him, not in racism or affirmative action. He stands against men like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, who preach racial divisiveness to promote their agendas. Real black men don’t blame their problems on white oppression, they turn to Christ.

I know there are areas in my life where I need to be thinking differently. How about you?

For more, visit TobyLaura.com!

Old Ruts, New Ruts

Well, I did the dirty and upgraded my laptop’s Operating System (OS) from Tiger to Leopard. For the most part, things are running smoothly, as they should for a Mac.

However, like changing to anything new, it will take awhile for me to enjoy using the computer like I did with the old system of Tiger. I know lots of Windows slaves, I mean users, have stayed with XP instead of upgrading to Vista. At some point, Vista, or a new OS will have to be upgraded to, and when that happens, we all get this feeling of unfamiliarity and want things back the old way, the better way, the way we know best. We as people get into these ruts where we have everything set up just the way we want them: especially on computers, and when that is disrupted, that warm security blanket gets ripped right off of us!

Several of my friends have had to try new e-mail programs or operating systems, and they hate it because they have to relearn what they know. That is where I am. I know Leopard’s functionality will best the old system by far, but it will take a little getting used to. I want my old baseball glove back — it fit so well!

As God’s child, I don’t often like waves made in my pond. I don’t necessarily like change or new experiences. I like my comfortable settings, my personal surroundings, and routines I am intimately familiar with. But like changing to a new OS on a computer, God finds us in our rut and kicks us out. I think He actually likes the fact that we find ruts — so He can disrupt them, and thus teach us something. Hopefully, when this happens, we learn from it. Change isn’t fun, just ask me or my wife about the pending job change ahead for me. But, it’s in those times of change that God can speak — he has us by the ear.

Change, just for the sake of change, may not be good; it may actually be bad (remember: we don’t kick a sleeping dog). But, when we trust in Him that the change is for the better, we can also trust in Him to see us through it.

I wonder what changes I need to make from the ruts I’ve formed? Am I in some bad ruts at work? Am I in some ruts in my marriage? Am I in some ruts at my church? Am I in some ruts that I don’t even see? Uhhh. I am humbly prayerful that God will show me the bad ruts I’m happily trolling down. Does He always tell us when we’re “off course, on our course?” NO! Look at all the people around you that are in ruts and don’t even see it. Be praying that God will show you Grace, and point out the ruts you are in, and then be happy to change!


Ultimately, I’m glad I changed to Leopard. The transition will be tough, but in the end, it has a lot of great features, like:

Email: When someone sends you an e-mail with a date in it, the computer recognizes this date, and when I click on it, it can add that date to my calendar. Also, it recognizes when someone writes “next Thursday” as a date and puts that in as Aug 5th, or whatever. Amazing!
Chat: I can not only video chat with others, I can share my screen with another mac user (my wife, for example, on her iMac). If she is having trouble with her computer in Ohio, and I’m in Hong Kong, I can video chat with her and put her desktop on my screen and “take over” to fix the issue. Awesome!
Time Machine: I can backup my files to another hard drive automatically and behind the scenes. Then, if I look for a file that is gone or thrown away, I can simply retrieve it in Time Machine. It’s better than in sounds, Windows Users! It’s seamless and easy.
Tons of parental controls to protect future kids in our family, like deciding what they see and when they can access both their computer and the internet. If we aren’t home, their computer won’t get online, if we wish.
There is lots more, so watch the video on how it all works and fits together here.

For more, visit TobyLaura.com!