Category Archives: Family

New Bushes

Yesterday, Laura and I planted some more bushes around the house. We’ve been meaning to for several seasons, but we could never really decide what we wanted to plant, and then it would be out of season or nothing would be on sale. We finally decided that we would go with Hostas, KnockOut roses, Mediterranean pink heather, and some variegated versions of our boxwood bushes.

After getting some water in our basement, it was necessary to build up a slope to the house with dirt. To make that look nice, we covered it with mulch and planned on planting some bushes. It looked lonely out there for a long time, like an empty canvas waiting for something to happen. Well, this week it happened.
Continue reading New Bushes

New Garden

Laura is going to be planting a new garden in our backyard. We’ve always thought it would be nice to eat fresh veggies like tomatoes and jalapenos peppers with our dinner. I went to Home Depot and bought two 2×10’s that were 12 feet long and had them cut the two in half. It is nice when they will do that for us at the store because it saves me the hassle of doing it at home, is done at a better quality than I could do it because I lack the nice power tool saws, and they fit better in the small car for the ride home. I connected them together with some metal joints and filled it with dirt.

In the coming weeks, we’ll show the results here to see how it goes. Gardens can’t take freezes, so we’ll be planting things later this month, so stay tuned!

Record Snow

In February 1910, Columbus Ohio got the most snow it was ever going to receive, at 29.3 inches in the short 28 day month. That was, until global warming set in (wink) and 2010 arrived. This year, we set a record for snow fall, at just over 30 inches of snow! I heard on the news that all this snow was evidence for global “climate change,” which is no longer called warming, for obvious marketing and political reasons. The theory goes that with warming, more water is absorbed into the atmosphere so there is more snow in the winter. However, the problem with this, is that a few years ago, the warming alarmists were predicting LESS snow, not more. Now, after the fact, the “science” was revised to say that yes, indeed there will be more snow. Pretty convenient to have both more AND less snow prove one’s theory. It just goes to show that the wisdom of God the creator can make our human “wisdom” look quite foolish.

I’m from Texas, so I love to see snow. I love the way it transforms the landscape, I love the cold, I love the white, and I love the reminder of “fresh beginnings.” The Bible reminds us that Jesus can wipe away our sin and make us as white as snow. Snow covers the dirty nastiness below, and makes the landscape beautiful, like Jesus does to our dirty, rotten lives. Just as a rainbow is a reminder to us that God will never flood the Earth again, snow is a reminder that His love covers all sin. If you don’t like snow, maybe the next time the sky dumps 10 inches of “global warming” in your driveway, let it be a reminder of God’s love for you and that putting him in a leadership role in your life means your sin is no more!

Gaylord Texan Ice Show

For the second time in three years, my family visited the Gaylord Texan Hotel to see the Ice Show they put on there every year. This is not just a tour of some ice sculptures in a hotel lobby, it’s a full blown exhibit in a 10,000 square foot building chilled to zero degrees Fahrenheit (or -18 degrees Celsius). Black curtains create a pathway to wind visitors through a maze of bigger than life-size sculptures that takes about twenty minutes to walk through. Click on the photo at the top of this post to see more photos of the time we had. In a recent post of mine, I talked about the amazing ice sculptures and ice sculpting contests in Harbin, China. Reading about how the Ice Show at the Gaylord Texan was accomplished, it turns out the artisans were from Harbin. Pretty cool. They form over 2 million pounds of ice to make it all possible.
Continue reading Gaylord Texan Ice Show

Best Christmas gift. Ever.

I wanted to give a shout out to my sister and brother-in-law because they gave me the best Christmas gift I’ve ever received. A little history as to how this gift became the best ever is in order.

Years ago as a kid, I wanted a real Dallas Cowboys helmet. I’ve always thought that having one in a display case or under a light on a pedestal would be a neat thing to have, since I’m such a die hard fan. I never really thought about how much they cost or that it would have been hard to afford or get for my parents. One Christmas in about 1991, my family was at my grandparent’s house and my mom handed me a gift that was in a plastic bag. I could barely see through the bag to notice that it looked like a helmet. My heart skipped a beat or two. I said, “Oh no” out loud. I couldn’t believe it, I was going to get a helmet! When I opened the bag, I tried to hide my disappointment when I saw that it was just an inflatable vinyl helmet to go on your head while at a game. I was actually embarrassed that I had thought it would be the real thing.

Flash forward to the Christmas season of 2009. Laura and I, along with my sister and her husband went on a tour of the new Dallas Cowboys stadium in Arlington. Click on the photo of the helmet at the top of this blog to see more photos from that tour. We were in the ProShop and my sister and I mused about what I might do if I had one . . .

The next day, we celebrated Christmas with my family early because I get to work on Christmas this year. The gift from my sis and her hubby was anticipated by everyone but me. She said it would be the greatest gift ever and I just tried to ignore the hype, in case it wasn’t something I was interested in. Well, lo and behold, when I opened the “greatest gift ever” the name of the gift rang true. I read the words: Official NFL Helmet. A 20 year old dream has finally come true and I couldn’t be more excited or more grateful.

Thanks sis and Merry Christmas!

Buying the Tree

I haven’t had much time to blog because the holidays are approaching and I’ve either been working or visiting family on time off. We spent some time in Texas before the Thanksgiving weekend because I was working over that holiday. My extended family in Texas was gracious enough to put on a full Thanksgiving meal for Laura and me. We provided a smoked turkey from Greenberg Turkey (highly recommended to anyone who reads this blog in the U.S.) and the family provided the rest of the fixin’s.

Even though I worked over the Thanksgiving holiday again this year, I was glad to be home right afterward so Laura and I could get a Christmas tree together. Last year, Laura had to buy a tree, decorate it, and put the house Christmas decorations up by herself, because I was still in Hong Kong for training. That was tough on her, so I’m glad I was able to be home for that this year. Click on our picture at the top of this post to see more of our tree decorating.
We always cut our Christmas trees down at Saum Farm. They are affordable, have a huge selection, and stay looking fresher, longer, because they are cut by us. We like to go for the Canaan fir, because of the way they look, and the needles aren’t prickly for adding lights and decorations. We were going to go cut one down with the rest of Laura’s extended family, but I got sick the day we were supposed to go, so we went by ourselves later. It was a blast for me, because I love Christmas, Autumn, and the whole holidays, plus I missed it all last year. I must say that we got a great tree this year and it sure is nice to be home for the holidays. We bought some more house decorations and had a fun time preparing our living room for the holidays.
Speaking of the holidays, I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that “Jesus is the reason for the season.” Well, as Pastor David Dykes points out here, that actually may not be the case. In reality, WE are the reason for the season. Sacrilege? Not hardly. See, as the pastor points out, Jesus came into the world, not for himself, but for us. We all sin and need a Savior from that sin. Christ came to Earth to provide us a way out of our sin, and a chance to spend eternity with Him. If we weren’t sinners, He wouldn’t have needed to come to Earth and die on a cross for us. But He loved us so much, that He came to die for us, to take our place for the judgement of sin. How cool is that? It’s for this reason that we celebrate every 25th of December: the birth of the Christ. Sure, it’s nice to give and get gifts from family and friends, but as the commercialism of Christmas screams ever louder and louder in our ears as the years pass, take time out of your holiday to remember the real reason for the season — our need of a Savior.