Wan Chai

This is a quick update because the studying has been fast and furious here in Hong Kong. There hasn’t been much time for goofing off, relaxing, blogging, or much of anything else. I have a lot of prep to do for the simulator sessions and we only have ten sessions in the simulator before we take two checkrides. I’m drinking from the firehose, but if I keep my wits about me and study hard, it will all prove to be acceptable and worth it.

Yesterday, I had a day off, so Laura and I headed downtown to the Wan Chai district. We had to go there so that I could get my Hong Kong ID card. I need a card to stay here for longer periods of time, I won’t be limited to my passport stay, and I can skip the LONG immigration lines at the airport when I travel back here. Unfortunately for me, I found out once getting there, that I would not be able to walk in and wait a few hours like I could at a ridiculous BMV, but have to come back in a week, at their next available appointment! Yikes, I should have done this sooner.

After failing there, we headed out to see the convention center and the Golden Bauhinia flower out in front of the center. The center is an amazing site, towering well over 100 feet over our heads. The pictures don’t do it justice, and its massive scale isn’t seen in our photos. We couldn’t see inside the main hall, but the entryway was very impressive. Click on Laura’s picture at the top to see more photos from this day.

All in all, it was good to get out of the room and Cathay City, jokingly referred to as “the biosphere” because we never leave it due to all the studying . . .

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