Color Blind?

Americans love to champion Dr. Martin Luther King’s quote, where “People will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character” However, in light of this most recent presidential inauguration, I wonder how true that really is in America.

How are we not looking at skin color when this historic presidency is historic only because of skin color? Why do we champion being color blind, and then participate in monumental pomp and circumstance (to the tune of $150 million dollars, much of which is tax dollars) because we see Barack in color?

I am all for showing the rest of the world that we as a nation have moved beyond our racist past. However, the bigger deal we make about Obama being black, the less sincere we sound in “moving past race.” Some would say that the simple fact that Obama was elected shows that we are color blind, but I find that strains credulity with all the hype over his skin color. Would he have defeated Hillary Clinton if he were white? No. The truth is, we have judged Obama (maybe unfairly) by the color of his skin, not the content of his character.

The road ahead of him in the White House is certainly not paved with gold, and the monumental task of solving America’s problems will definitely not be an easy one – I sure wouldn’t want the job right now. But Obama has little to fear. His darlings in the media and his liberal friends who voted for him will make sure that he doesn’t take the fall for any ills that remain after his departure. Why? Because they are judging him by the color of his skin, and don’t want the first black president to fail. My hope is that someday, we will honor Dr. King by truly judging character content instead of skin color.

(Click Obama’s picture for a great article about this by Juan Williams)

4 thoughts on “Color Blind?

  1. Yeah,I definately agree with you ,but maybe we are actually making a big deal out of it because people think it’s a huge step against racial discrimination.They think that there is finally a black president that racism is probably a thing of the past,(for the majority) even though we know there are many racists out there..let me not remind you of the dreaded Ku klux klan. But yes overall people probably did vote for him because he was black….which isnt good

  2. not the content of his character??

    Excuse me
    He started his campaign in the Living Room of an American terrorist…? Character!
    and you would vote for him?
    Well I surely would not

    Sorry….. One True American

  3. First off, I am not democrat, I am not black. I am Christian.

    As a true Christian you seem to appropriately quote the bible numerous times throughout your blog. That’s why I was perplexed at reading this entry.

    You contradict yourself and you blemish one of the most significant values of our Christian beliefs…judge not. You are mimicking your target… you are doing the same thing as what you accuse the press and the rest of the world of…making a big deal out of it. How can this presidency not be seen as a significant one because of color?? It is in fact the first black president, what else would/could you expect?

    So because Obama is the first black president (has barely resided one day) you judge him to be a bad president as there’s nothing for him to fear? If nobody would take up the role of being the first black president, this country would have never made the first step towards moving beyond our racist past as you say it.

    Should we not judge and allow this man to have a chance… even if he is the first black president. Or should we just pull the carpet from under his feet now and wait for a further black president who can then be given a chance because he is not the first one (wait did I get it right?). It’s too complicated, too much… making a big deal out of it.

    As with President Bush, I truly believe this man is sincere and will lead the nation to his best capabilities. Will he be a good president?? Only time can tell.

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