Less can be more

Are you still living in the dark ages? Are you still stumbling in the night? Is there still weeping and gnashing of teeth in front of your computer monitor? If so, I’ll bet my next paycheck that you are stuck in the wonderful world of windows. Tired of your operating system committing an illegal operation? Frustrated that every time you shutdown your computer, the “Ending Application” window shows up? Maybe it’s time to switch? Nah!

For those who have made the switch, the newest Apple Operating system is coming soon. Right now, Leopard is the current OS, and the new one will be called Snow Leopard. But, unlike windows, Snow Leopard isn’t overreaching, over-promising, and over-claiming it’s strengths. As a matter of fact, it’s not adding a lot of bells and whistles, it is shrinking the size of the OS. It will be smaller and lighter, faster and more agile, and take up less space on your hard drive. (Can you imagine the monstrosity of patchwork called windows actually shrinking in size?) It will leave more room for your own files. It’s streamlined form will be more efficient, stable, and make much better use of dual core technology. Mac’s often use two processors to work much faster than one large one. Utilizing two processors efficiently takes smart software, and that is coming in Snow Leopard.

With a smaller, lighter, faster, and more efficient operating system, the time to switch to Mac will be better than ever. The fact that they can run windows at the same time, thus having the “best of both worlds” is really the piece de resistance. I honestly don’t mind if you don’t switch — it’s no skin off my nose. It actually keeps my Mac safer from virus makers by keeping Mac’s market smaller! However, I used to live in the darkness and want to share the light as much as I can. Click on the picture of the X for more info from Mac on Snow Leopard, or read this article by Ken Rockwell about why Mac’s just work.

“With Mac, it’s plug-n-play. With windows, it’s plug-n-pray.”


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