Gmail means no spam

I just passed 5,000 e-mails in my Gmail account and not a single spam e-mail has landed in my inbox! If you aren’t using Gmail, I wonder if you can say the same? All of those 5,000 e-mails are neatly archived away, so my inbox is uncluttered, but with just a few keystrokes, I can search for anything within all those e-mails.

Tired of spam? Want a personalized email address like I have, for free? Want to search for anything you’ve ever been sent and have an inbox over seven gigabytes and growing? Want to have an e-mail account that you can access from anywhere in the world, even if you move or change internet providers? If so, sign up for Gmail here!

I’ve loved having a free website, free e-mail, free blog, and great Google services and will never be able to look back.

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