“Radical Islam” a dirty word?

These two video clips are astounding. They are both short, but together, they show that both our government isn’t serious about protecting us from a real threat and also that a portion of the younger generation of Americans are willing to publicly admit they support Hamas and Hezbollah. Amazing! Is this the United States of America?

Our Attorney General has no problem worrying about the dangers of Tea Party Members and the Arizona law that enforces the Federal laws against illegal immigration, but is unwilling to say the words, “Radical Islam.”

This young college student publicly supports a terrorist organization.

Lookout America, times are changing.

UPDATE: Rush said today about Eric Holder: “His law firm, ladies and gentlemen, represented a bunch of terrorists at Guantanamo, as have some of his appointees at justice! His law firm represents these people. So he can’t say, “Yeah, it’s radical Islam,” ’cause then he’s condemning his own clients or his former firms’ own clients. That’s why he can’t say it. Stop and think of that. Radical Islam, there’s no question it’s our enemy.” Imagine that, our Attorney General is from a firm defending enemy combatants who fought against the United States and held at Club Gitmo.
