All posts by Toby

Heal the Man -> the Family -> the Nation is a website I heard about while listening to Glenn Beck’s radio show.  I think they are doing the right thing to help wake people up in this country to spur on revival.  The are giving away a free book to anyone who asks for it (by clicking above) to help restore the men in our country.  They will in turn, restore their family, and the family will in turn, restore America.  What a wonderful premise and generous way to help move this country back to where it was founded.  Below is an excerpt from their website to explain more.

Will you commit to praying for our nation and maybe even donating some books for their cause so others will have a chance to have a great book for free?
Continue reading Heal the Man -> the Family -> the Nation

TSA logo contest

Sick and tired of the farce we call the TSA at the airport security lines? Some are calling for a contest to design a new logo for the organization that needlessly hassles anyone who flies in the U.S. Click on the logo above to see more of the submissions. The one above is great, as it is a depiction of an Eagle clutching a tube of toothpaste in one talon and a box-cutter in the other. It is designed by Travis McHale. My favorite is the one with the attack dogs mauling an innocent passenger. (Note: not all are kid friendly)

You can read more about the farcical TSA in Patrick Smith’s weekly column at Ask The Pilot. He, like me, is an airline pilot who has to deal with the “security” all the time.

New photos uploaded

It’s almost June 2010 and I’m finally getting around to uploading this year’s photos to the Galleries section of our website. As of now, you can click on 2010 and see about seven of the latest albums we’ve posted, or just click on the picture above.

iWeb makes making websites fairly easy, but it has become quite a hassle. We don’t have a large website, per se, but for what Apple intended with iWeb, we are quickly outgrowing the capabilities of that program with our website. If you have a small website and are using iWeb, poke around on our site a bit, and if you think you’ll have more content than we currently do, you may want to look elsewhere for web design options. For me, I think the amount of photos is causing it to stumble a little bit. I get the spinning pinwheel of death for 15 minutes or so every time I publish so I’m going to have to move on from iWeb in the future.

I’m a little intimidated, but I think I’m going to give Dreamweaver a shot. It can certainly make more complex websites than I could ever weave together in my dreams, but that makes it a much more difficult program to work with than iWeb. I’m not an “html” stud like my brother-in-law who can write the code without the help of a wysiwyg editor so something like Dreamweaver will have to do.

I hope you enjoy the photos!

Manila and Shanghai

I just finished a trip that took me over to Hong Kong, then round trips to both Manila and Shanghai, and then back to the U.S. It was a long eleven days, but it was very nice to fly to two different cities out of Hong Kong; places I don’t normally go. I hadn’t been to the Philippine capital since training, and I have never been to mainland China.

The routes that I normally fly are freighter routes, but these two trips were passenger routes. I also haven’t flown passengers since training, and that was a blast. I had to remember to talk to the cabin crew over the P.A., think a little more closely about the seatbelt sign, and definitely had to hope for better landings than the ones the freight boxes enjoy. The freighter is nice because if you want a cup of coffee or something to eat you just get up and get it, without bothering a flight attendant with your request. However, the flying seems a little bit more satisfying when you have 399 people (379 + 20 crew) counting on you for a safe flight.
Continue reading Manila and Shanghai

Frontier + Midwest

There has been another airline merger, albeit not as major or significant as the recent United/Continental deal. My former employer, Chautauqua Airlines, has a parent company known as Republic Airways Holdings. RAH runs Chautauqua Airlines, Shuttle America Airlines, and Republic Airlines. These three are regional jet operators. A few months ago, they bought Frontier Airlines out of Denver, and Midwest Express Airlines out of Milwaukee. So now, RAH is running 5 airlines!

Midwest was in trouble for a lot of reasons but RAH is turning them around. They gave back Midwest’s larger Boeing 717 aircraft and have replaced them with Embraer 190 aircraft, which are smaller and less expensive to operate. Then Frontier was purchased and will be merged with Midwest Express. The new airline will be under the Frontier brand and paint scheme, but the famous, warm chocolate chip cookies served on Midwest Express will remain!

Now, Republic Airways Holdings runs three regional operators and one “major” airline. I wish them all luck and hope they succeed. It’s very tough to run airlines in today’s economy. The CEO has said that mistakes will be made along the way but they will work as hard as they can to make it all work out. I say good for them. I’m glad all this happened after I left for Cathay Pacific, or I may have never left the airline.

“Radical Islam” a dirty word?

These two video clips are astounding. They are both short, but together, they show that both our government isn’t serious about protecting us from a real threat and also that a portion of the younger generation of Americans are willing to publicly admit they support Hamas and Hezbollah. Amazing! Is this the United States of America?

Our Attorney General has no problem worrying about the dangers of Tea Party Members and the Arizona law that enforces the Federal laws against illegal immigration, but is unwilling to say the words, “Radical Islam.”

This young college student publicly supports a terrorist organization.

Lookout America, times are changing.

UPDATE: Rush said today about Eric Holder: “His law firm, ladies and gentlemen, represented a bunch of terrorists at Guantanamo, as have some of his appointees at justice! His law firm represents these people. So he can’t say, “Yeah, it’s radical Islam,” ’cause then he’s condemning his own clients or his former firms’ own clients. That’s why he can’t say it. Stop and think of that. Radical Islam, there’s no question it’s our enemy.” Imagine that, our Attorney General is from a firm defending enemy combatants who fought against the United States and held at Club Gitmo.

Lunacy of the Left

Glenn Beck responds to naysayers of the Arizona Law that takes on the illegal immigration problem the Federal Government refuses to confront.  70% of Americans from all States agree with the new law . . .

“Papers please: Law makes it crime to be Illegal Immigrant.”

This is how MSNBC summarized the new law in Arizona, designed to do something that our federal government will not: take illegal immigration seriously.

The idiocy of the not-so-subtle Nazi reference is exceeded only by the idea that doing something “illegal” should be anything other than a “crime.”

But common sense didn’t stop many from reacting as if Arizona’s attempt to ask for identification would turn the Southwestern United States into the Fourth Reich.
Continue reading Lunacy of the Left